What’s your “New Normal”? Applying Course Correction in 2014

» Posted by on Dec 4, 2013 in blog

Just around the corner in a few short weeks, as we begin a new year, many people will reflect on various aspects of their lives.  While we know that most resolutions tend to fail within weeks or months, it is wise instead to reassess our intentions and habits while embracing the resolve to do what it takes to augment our life satisfaction.


Typically, many of our best habits tend to whither unless we pay attention to them and make the effort to maintain them consistently.  Similarly a garden is not likely to flourish with abundant blooms unless we attend to it and nurture it. In areas of life such as health, relationships, career and finance, many of us have the tendency, gradually, to lose sight of the imperatives; that which matters most. Hence, often because we feel pressured by many demands, responsibilities and competing commitments, we tend to drift away from our best intentions and habits.  For example, over time, we are likely to exercise less than we should, to forget to express appreciation for our partner, to settle for an unfulfilling job, and to accumulate more debts than is wise.   And after a while of unmindfully allowing good habits associated with these parts of our lives to deteriorate,   the result amounts to a habitual level of standard we may call the “new normal”.  


As you turn on your reflective faculties and look at where you have arrived in various areas of your life at the start of 2014, I suggest you ask yourself what may have become the “new normal” in your wellness routine, your workplace, your relationships and your finances.  This question will help to foster the awareness needed to generate the insights from which you could decisively apply course correction on your flight path in order to soar into new levels of happiness, fulfillment and abundance in all areas of your life.  And if you are curious about all the benefits that coaching could provide to help you reach those new heights on your flight path, look at the Coaching page on my website www.inspiredmomentum.com and/or contact me for more info and a complementary consultation. Also, to celebrate the start of 2014, Inspired Momentum is offering, from December 1st to February 1st, a 25% discount on coaching packages of 4 or more sessions.