Finding Beauty and Sacredness through 2021

» Posted by on Jan 23, 2021 in blog

The ornate, beautiful, and magical gateway in this image is meant to inspire you to think of how you will lead yourself through the gateway of your own transformational practices and aspirations in 2021. On the larger scale, the last major event across the border infuses us with renewed hope.

What a momentous 2021 already, with historical events in North America, from the horrific riot on the US Capitol of January 6, to the Inauguration of Joe Biden as the new President of United States on January 20th.  With this new leadership and everything decent and progressive Biden and Harris stand for; we are experiencing something akin to a huge reset, or course correction of human evolution on this continent. And this return to decency feels even more poignantly soothing to the soul after having seen images of violent, threatening rioters vandalizing the capitol, sitting with feet on desks, expressing the most profound disregard for everything democracy represents.

Now that our collective consciousness is no longer overshadowed by the divisiveness and hateful rhetoric of the previous US president, we are more likely to feel compelled to focus on our next level of alignment with life-affirming values. For me, one way to support this in my environment is to surround myself with beauty and to dwell in the sacred dimensions of things that truly matter. As such, I invite you to seek beauty, both within and around you, through your senses, and ways of being in our endlessly fascinating world.

Connecting through our senses also has a grounding effect and helps to dispel anxieties that may still linger within you.  Now, more than ever, it’s time to reclaim and hold onto our soulful dignity, nobility and the peace that exists deep within. With daily practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and time with nature, we can create or strengthen a stabilizing foundation, an alignment of body, mind and soul that can withstand and counter the winds of adversity.

Through this blog article, I’m also announcing that I have recently joined the Alpine Counselling Clinic in Vancouver in 2020 as an associate counsellor and coach. In this beautiful location, I provide therapeutic and transformational counselling and coaching to individuals and couples across generations.  Most sessions are taking place in person with social distancing, but sessions are also available online through an app that respects privacy and confidentiality.  Receptionists are available to provide info on the clinic’s services and book appointment times.

May you find yourself soaring to new heights of potentiality and equanimity in 2021.