Beyond Resolutions: Living at the Heart of Resolve

» Posted by on Jan 1, 2011 in blog

Beyond resolutions, consider a gentle yet rigorous course correction towards your vision of an improved quality of life. January is an auspicious time to cultivate a deeper kind of resolve which intensifies as you make moment to moment choices that are in alignment with your vision. Much like a small shift of the tiller on a sailboat can result in a very different arrival point on the distant shore, a small change in your mindset can enable significant new opportunities to arise in your life.


I suggest you find moments of solitude to consult both your inner sage and your inner child. Your wise elder can compassionately point to aspects of status quo that you may not have wanted to see but that need to change; your inner child could help freeing you up to more joy, spontaneity and enjoyment. With these good allies, allow yourself to loosen the grip of any pattern of thoughts or habits that are not consistent with your highest, happiest and most joyful vision for your life. And if you feel a wave of grief rising up on your journey, acknowledge it and ride it out so that it does not insidiously dampen your otherwise joyful true nature.


One practical tip for keeping your vision alive and casting its magnetic power forward is to set a theme for this year; write down a detailed version of the specific intentions and goals that make up your vision, then synthesize down to a short sentence. Make of these few words a mantra to inhabit your mind. For example…”2011 is the year of……….finding and keeping love… my utmost wellness…dwelling in fearlessness and peace…the ultimate career leap…abundant resources….whatever represents an exciting breakthrough for you.


May you tap the inspired momentum and deep resolve that resides in your heart and mind to effect a positive course correction; a leap ahead into a life that generates fulfillment and joy well beyond your imagination.