
Here is a sampling of Isabelle’s articles published in various professional magazines:


The Art and Impact of Empathy

In People Talk  Summer 2019



Leading with People-First in Mind: Putting the “H” in ROI

In People Talk  Fall 2018

Beyond Minutia: HR Minding the Future Frontier

In People Talk  Summer 2018

The Cost (and How to Counter) the Stress of 24/7/365

In People Talk  Spring 2018

Fit for Organizational Change? Applying Curiosity to Wellness at Work

In People Talk  Winter 2018

Leading by Moral Compass in the Digital Age

In People Talk  Summer 2017

Exploring Option B (and Bouncing Forward)

In People Talk  Fall 2017

Great Reads to Lead The Way in Learning

In People Talk  Fall 2016

Empathy Underrated? Soft-Skills O er Solid Value

In People Talk  Summer 2016

The Inner Net vs. the Internet: A Meditation on Great Leadership

In People Talk  Spring 2016

Empathy 101: Why are Soft-Skills so Hard?

In People Talk  Winter 2016

Fostering Flow, Feedback and Forward-Thinking Communications

In People Talk Winter 2015 Leadership--PeopleTalk-Winter-2015

About to Retire? Re-Engage Instead

In CPA Mag – 2016

From Succession Planning to Re-Engaging Legacy Leadership

In PeopleTalk  Summer 2012

Less Management, More Leadership: Restoring Optimal Balance

In PeopleTalk – BCHRMA

Flexible Thinking Drives Workplace Futures

In People Talk Winter 2014


Boomers Bring the Experience of a Lifetime

In People Talk  Spring 2014


The Power of Empathy: Leadership and Listening

In People Talk  Summer 2014


Women’s Leadership Imperative: Speak Up, Stand Out and Succeed

In People Talk  Fall 2014


Too Stressed to Innovate? Take a Breath

In Workplace Wellness Spring 2013

Too Stressed to Innovate?

Create Happiness, Don’t Just Consume It From the Institute of Chartered Accountants-Ontario

Beyond the Bar: Crucial Considerations on the Road to Retirement

In Bar Talk – Ontario