Retire No More: A Generation Called to Re-engage:
This year, the eldest among Boomers, those born in 1946, are turning 65 – the traditional retirement age. For various reasons including economic factors, some boomers are postponing retirement, some are continuing to work part-time, or re-inventing themselves into engaging occupations, enterprises or volunteering opportunities. Many pre-retirees are vaguely anxious about how they will redefine themselves and renew their purpose beyond their current workplace. In early February, I am scheduled to lead retirement/re-engagement envisioning public seminars (What’s Next) through the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Toronto, Calgary and Edmonton. The details are available on the professional development catalogue of the websites of the Institute for...
3 Favorite magazines to keep inspired
Given today’s fast pace, we are at risk of forgetting to include soul-nurturing moments to counter the pragmatic and mundane parts of life. Because our souls’ expansive nature yearns for inspiration, we need to infuse it in our lifestyle, lest our inner light becomes dim and the fire of our passions is gradually extinguished. Here are 3 magazines I found to be most inspiring and enjoyable to read over the past couple of years: Motivated A quarterly Canadian magazine that is filled with wonderful stories and inspirational articles from a blend of ordinary people as well as high profile visionaries such as Daniel Pink, Seth Godin, etc. This magazine is also beautifully designed and rich with colorful images for those of us who thrive on visual...
Vision Boards as Launching Pads
Over the past few months I have led several Vision Boards: Dream to Reality workshops hosted by friends and colleagues in the Vancouver area. The benefits of this workshop includes: More clarity about what you want to be, do and have in the 8 major areas of your life. Clear up what stands in your way of realizing more of your dreams. Understand more about how to magnetize circumstances and harness intent. Create a board of imagery and vision that further stimulate your visual brain and activate the law of attraction. Start a short daily practice to keep your goals foremost in your mind and affirm that they are already in motion. Here’s what Wei Min Guo said after hosting this workshop in her home: When I hosted the Dream to Reality Vision Board...
The Power of Self-inquiry: 3 questions as springboard to fresh insights and positive change.
We know that self awareness is an essential factor to create a way of life that is filled with more of what we desire and less of what we don’t want. Knowing where you are positioned in relation to your hearts’ desires enables you to correct your course if you drift away or if you are held back by limiting beliefs. But because we tend to drift away from our goals gradually, we often don’t realize this has happened until we have settled into a way of life that represents a fraction of all that we could be, do, have or give. Eventually this pattern can lead to varying degrees of resignation and a sense of settling for much less than that which reflects our full potential and highest aspirations. What have I gotten used to? This question is particularly relevant in...
Happiness and Longevity – What does it take?
So what does it take to lead a long, fulfilling life? Numerous research projects have looked into this question, especially over the past decade or two. One thing we know but often overlook is at that time of life happiness is more created from within than consumed from the external world. A few months ago, I met Harry in Vancouver, a man who set out to find the answers to happiness and longevity by going to Europe and interviewing many healthy people who were in their 90’s. Harry Mouratidis then wrote the results of his research in his soon to be published book called They Live Longer. Along with his findings, Harry shares many great stories and insights about the exceptional elders he interviewed. In the course of writing Living Forward, Giving Back, I also...
Reflecting on 2009 – When all is said and done.
While 2009 has now subsided into history, did you or will you make time to harvest valuable reflections about that year? Like a formidable wave effervescent with possibilities, 2010 is releasing a new decade of exciting opportunities along with sobering challenges. These times call for us all to reassess what really matters most and fine-tune our lives accordingly. Here are a few suggested questions that can help you to celebrate your gains and identify what you’ve learned over these past 12 months: What accomplishments can you acknowledge or celebrate about 2009? How have you touched other people’s lives around you? What moments of triumph over adversity do you remember experiencing? What helped you overcome the challenges you encountered? What are...