In recent years a body of research on happiness and the brain has revealed strong evidence for a genetic inheritance towards a particular set point or level of happiness. However, what is being further understood is that although you may have a genetic susceptibility to a particular range of happiness, this propensity requires certain circumstances in order for that gene to be triggered into expression. Such circumstances can include financial loss, a painful divorce, too much stress at work, etc. Although you may have a somewhat unchangeable set point of happiness, you can still cultivate the circumstances, the mindset and the habits that are, for you, conducive to experiencing a greater happiness flow – like the river here. I will address this as part of the workshop program mentioned above. Meanwhile, to learn more, you can read about the research in the book The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life you Want by Sonja Lyubomirsky.
If fall time lends itself to more reading for you , perhaps by the fireplace, look at other recommended reading I’ve included below.