Unpredictable Times: 3 Ways to Cope with Uncertainty

» Posted by on May 9, 2013 in blog

From stock market fluctuations to tragic events such as the bomb that exploded at the Boston Marathon, we are constantly reminded that life is precarious and that unpredictability prevails in our world.  So how do we compose with living in such uncertain times; not only that the possibility of violence exists but that economic uncertainty is also a significant issue among so people worldwide.

Over the past couple of years, I have observed people arriving in my coaching practice preoccupied by fears and anxiety.  As we work through the complexity of understanding the fears, uprooting them, using techniques to curtail anxieties and shifting perspectives, clients learn to become much more resourceful,  poised and confidently focused on positive outcomes rather than fearing negative turn of events.

Here are 3 simplified suggestions that can help to shift from fear to courage and resourcefulness:

–        Remember the unchanging nature of your authentic core self.  This part of yourself that is rooted in your spirit exists in a timeless realm and it is not subject to the winds of change or uncertainty.  By remaining aware of that vital part of yourself which remains constant, you can draw comfort and a sense of natural stability. Ways to connect intentionally with that part of yourself and cultivate its awareness includes being in nature, deep breathing and relaxation and/or meditation.

–        Stay the course.  As you likely know, when market fluctuations occur, we are reminded by financial planners to stay the course.  Aside from the regular re-balancing of portfolio investments, we are told that it’s better to stay with a solid diversified plan rather than move funds around like a butterfly hovering over a garden.  By keeping your sights on the long-term picture of your highest aspirations, you can more easily overlook the days when adversity strikes or when the market is aiming downward. This principle of staying the course works for most areas of life and work. But we must remind ourselves of it because otherwise, when we may go into fear mode and shift into a narrow perspective which further feeds our angst.

–        Radical Acceptance.  Once we accept that life is unpredictable and uncertain, we can give up the tendency to want to control it in our favor.  Reaching a deep place of acceptance is a process in itself.  However, when we willingly surrender and relinquish the attempt to control our lives, we can paradoxically better appreciate and utilize the higher powers we have to co-create and co-direct the course of our destiny.  By setting on a course to cultivate the use of this magnificent inner power in tandem with the powers that reside beyond our individual self, we can find a sense of peace, radical trust and magic taking over our lives.  We then come to focus increasingly on what we most cherish, appreciate and are grateful for, hence we come to see that the quality of our lives is rich with many blessings.