De-mystifying Retirement Coaching

» Posted by on Jun 9, 2015 in blog

retirmentIt’s not uncommon for me to hear “I’ve never heard of retirement coaching” when I interact with a boomer. Some think that it is about getting advice on how one “should” retire. Having been a life transitions and certified retirement coach for several years, I can certainly say “it’s not about advice”. What is it then?

  • It’s a structured process that includes focused, insight generating conversations, pertinent information about this major work/life transition, assessments and tools, all of which serve to foster a shift into expanded perspectives, to partner with potential, and to develop a clear, engaging, values-based vision of one’s life beyond “retirement”.
  • It’s about supporting a leadership approach so that you lead your life from what matters most to you, not just spend your life from a default mindset or merely tossed around by external circumstances. That approach will help prevent painful regrets in your future.
  • Lastly, retirement coaching also provides a framework through which you better understand yourself and your inner blind-spots (we all have them); grow to master social and emotional intelligence (soft skills), and become more accountable to yourself as you harness your resources and take action on your inspired plan.

One proactive and self-aware professional boomer approached me recently saying that the idea of retirement was equated with a deep dark void in his mind. Thinking about that major transition ahead triggered in him a fear of that unknown. As we worked together over the next three months and his perspectives changed, the scary void became illuminated with new possibilities and some of those then turned into probabilities and specific goals. As we concluded the process, he had a clear vision, a compelling mission and a realistic action plan. His retirement anxiety had given way to a positive anticipation and he was happily taking actions to prepare the launching pad into his purposeful re-engagement rather than merely “retire”.

If you or someone you know is approaching this major work/life transition, you are welcome to contact me to arrange for a complementary consultation: . It’s also good to know that because I am still also a Registered Social Worker, some of my clients are able to get refunds for my services from their extended health benefits.