It’s September! What Will You Learn?

» Posted by on Sep 12, 2018 in blog

Remember that September feeling of excitement prior to starting University as a young person? Having associated this time of year with the beginning of a learning phase, we are naturally inclined to feel that yearning to learn anew. Ok, not necessarily a formal course of study or an extended journey into academia. But how about learning something that opens career options, or provides a new sense of purpose, or even just for the sheer enjoyment of developing a new hobby or sport?
Why not make of September, a yearly learning campaign? Whether it’s a software program you have been wanting to integrate in your skill sets, better leadership skills or learning the art of Feng Shui to improve your living environment, the possibilities, online or in person, are endless. Remember also that many colleges and universities have been expanding their continuing department course options and that they are generally very affordable and even free to seniors in some institutions.
If you are entering a transition into “retirement” or “re-engagement” as I prefer to call it, you might ask yourself, “what did I always wanted to learn”? Perhaps you’ve been aware of a recurrent interest in knowing how to play a musical instrument, speak another language or paint with watercolors. Whatever it is, I encourage you to make that yearly learning commitment, follow through and reap the multiple benefits. Here is a quote about some of the positive effects of life-long learning by Dr. Ricardo Sabates of the Institute of Education in London, England:
There is a robust evidence that life-long learning and higher education levels are associated with greater happiness, life satisfaction, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and reduced risk of depression.
And please remember that if you have been feeling stuck in a rut and have been waiting for fall to make a significant course correction in the trajectory of your personal or work life, consider a complementary consultation with a good coach. That could be me, and I can be reached via email: